Screen Shot – Nicole Gross

In Kevin Kelly’s New York Times article, “Idea Lab – Becoming Screen Literate” opens up our eyes to a whole new vision of screens in technology. The first thing that I thought was super interesting was how he explains to us howphoto screens are everywhere. When you think of screens, you probably think about a computer screen or a television screen. I never considered the ATM (see picture below) to have a screen or tUnknownhe supermarkets self check out machines (see picture to the right), but in fact, Kelly is right when he says this. “We are becoming people of the screen” (Kelly). This is true because it is fast and reliable. There is a lot less wait time with these screens. We cannot escape from these screens. No matter what, more and more screens are going to appear in our everyday lives. For example, traveling by airplane can have a screen for the passengers to watch a movie on during a long flight.

However, there is another type of screen that Kelly mentions, film screens. For example, Hollywood film screens make a ton of money and are a huge success. On the other hand, films on YouTube are being produced by normal human begins like you. These films can be original movies or homemade videos. Either way, film screens are widely known and can be a big success. As a future educator, I think that making films is a good way of students to express themselves. For instance, the student can record themselves playing the guitar and singing. This can show you a lot about that student. Also, a student can be given a choice of movies to watch and do a creative assignment on that movie. This allows the student to express themselves through art.

Lastly, cinematography is key when writing and producing screen films. Cinematograhy is “a film [that] is planned out in scenes; the scenes are filmed (usually more than once); and from a surfeit of these captured scenes, a movie is assembled” (Kelly). With the development of screen technologyproduction, movie making is a little bit easier. Kelly says, “it is like a writer’s paragraph, constantly being revised. Scenes are not captured (as in a photo) but built up incrementally”.

There are many types of screens, today. Technology is taking over many screens such as computers, tablets, television, movies, and even everyday errands. Kelly discusses with us his reasoning for how we need to adapt to the screens around us. Screens are everywhere.